- Gator’s Nest offers childcare from 6:30-7:30
- 7:25-7:55 Students start arriving on campus. All students offered breakfast and make their way to class.
- 7:55 Tardy Bell Students will need to be escorted to the office by an adult.
- The designated drop-off area is in front of the school.
- Use the right lane and pull up as far as directed by staff. This allows several cars to unload at once.
- Children should exit from the right side of your vehicle.
- If your child is able to disembark without assistance, please do so. Please remain in the line and follow the flow of traffic.
- Bike riders and walkers should arrive between 7:30 -7:50 a.m.
- Students and parents should always use sidewalks when available and walk all the way to the Crossing Guard.
- Bicycles must be parked in the fenced bike racks provided and secured with a lock. The school is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged bicycles or helmets.
- Helmets are required and may be kept in the student’s backpack or kept with his/her other belongings in the classroom. Please label with student’s first and last name.
Students participating in the school breakfast program should go directly to the cafeteria. Breakfast is served from 7:30 – 7:50 a.m., and is free for all students.
Important- Students are tardy/late if they are not in their classrooms by 7:55 a.m. Understand that for every 3 tardies, the students will receive one absence and this could affect his/her attendance records.
We ask your cooperation at dismissal so as to ensure a safe, quick and efficient process. We value our families and welcome you to visit our school; however, we must have procedures to control the environment during this critical time. Dismissing 800 students safely is our main goal. We need all adults to follow the following plan. Thank you for your help and please understand these procedures are in place to ensure the safest quickest dismissal for all our students.
Using the Parent Pick-up zone correctly is the safest way to pick up your child. Please refrain from making arrangements with your child that requires them to go against the school safety plan. In addition, if you arrive by car, you must stay in the car line with your car. Students may not be signed out after 1:30 p.m.
Parent Pick Up Procedure: Car riders will be dismissed to the back side of the school at approximately 2:10 p.m. following the afternoon announcements. Parents should follow the following procedure:
- Enter the main driveway entrance to the school.
- Proceed through the posted parent pick up zone.
- Drive up all the way around to the back of the school as directed.
- Must display your “dismissal card” and remain in your car at all times.
- Your child will be called and helped into your car.
- Stay in line and wait until the car in front of you moves forward to exit.
- Please stay in line once your student is loaded and wait for the line to move forward.
Please fill out your child’s name on the “dismissal card” in BIG PRINT and hang it on the mirror of your car so that we may get to know you, your vehicle and your child. All cars must display a school-issued “dismissal card” in order to pick up a child. Those without one will be asked to go into the office and show their ID in order to pick up their child.
Walker/Biker Pick Up Procedure: Student Walkers and Bikers will report to the Art room and be dismissed after our buses and cars have left our campus. Children will then follow the walker/biker exit route, using our sidewalk to the crossing guard at our main driveway entrance. Under no circumstances will anyone be allowed to walk through the front or side parking lots.
Rainy days: Due to the school bus schedule, students may have to board buses in the rain in order for transportation to stay on schedule. Students will not board during a severe lightning/thunderstorm, nor will walkers, bikers and parent pick-up be dismissed during severe weather. Please develop a "severe weather" plan with your child. Knowing your schedule, and what you would do if severe weather threatens at dismissal time helps children to remain calm in stormy weather. Make your child aware when to go ahead and ride or walk home and whether or not you'll be at the bus stop during rainy or otherwise bad weather. We will always let children use the phone to call a parent if they are unsure of what to do.